
April 9, 2010

Ahh, yesterday was so sunny. Shame I spent the majority of it playing Call Of Duty. Yuup, that’s right. The game that I have spent quite a long time slating.

The thing is, I think I took it a little bit too seriously the first time, and the fact that there were so many sniping little kids and glitches really pissed me off to no end. I had a break off it for about two months, and really had an itch to play it yesterday, despite the lovely sunshine.  I managed to prestige and reach something like level 24. I had ALOT of fun. I don’t know wether it was the chilled out attitude, or the fact that I hadn’t played the game in such a long time which resulted in me always having a positive K/D ratio and generally kicking butt. I had my Killstreaks set up perfectly for the game type, Predator Missile, Harrier and then Chopper Gunner.

We were on the terminus map, and theres a long narrow corridor by the airfield where everyone spams grenade launchers from one end to the other. I nested bang in the middle behind some boxes, and kept popping my head over and shooting the guys at the end of the corridor. I had ‘nade launchers going over my head. It was here that I got my Predator Missile, and I slammed it right through the glass roof and got three of them. Then I brought out my harrier which killed nobody, and by now I had run out of ammo for my Primary. I had to switch to my cruddy little side arm, but I got 6 guys in ONE magazine (it has like 15 bullets). Brought out my chopper gunner right there, and managed to catch them in their spawn point. In the end, I finished up with 69Kills and 9Deaths. It got to about 10 seconds into gunning them all down, and I was in hysterics about it.

I also played a couple of hours footie with my brother and his friend, which was fun but so hot! I’m beyond poor with my left foot, so much so, I think the left side of my body is completely detatched from my brain.It just doesn’t work very well at all.

So, at the minute I’m at work, and the minute I get there one of the Dr’s gives me a huge muffin. It looks hella expensive and smells really good. One problem – I dont like muffins. I’m going to HAVE to eat it too!

Well, today I finish at around 5 and I plan to go home, tidy my room up a little bit and then settle down for the night with a few games on the Xbox or maybe really try to watch Lost. I found out yesterday that I didn’t finish Season 4, so in order to figure out and refresh my mind, I will have to watch the whole of it again. I remember vaguely what happens.

Tomorrow, much of the same!

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